Wind Rating:
Strong Wind

Patios, restaurants, hotels, poolside loungers… areas that require high wind tolerance.


Tested in challenging conditions at South Africa’s “Cape of Storms”

Engineered for strength, the Storm is fashioned from ultra corrosion-resistant aluminum and marine grade stainless steel used in the construction of super-yachts. Its robust structure is designed to withstand the onslaught of nature’s fury. Through careful consideration Woodline has selected and developed the most resilient canopy fabrics to be able to handle whipping winds and scorching sun. The built-in quattro pulley system of pure stainless steel assures smooth and effortless operation day after day.

Marine grade stainless steel hubs and center pole

Quattro pulley system with stainless steel wheels

Rope Lock pole stand with 8 slab Paver base

Eyelet attachment system for easy removal

Options and Accessories

Canopy Sizes


Ribs: 8

Code: R30

Size: 3.0m

Pole Ø: 60mm

Ribs: 8

Code: R35

Size: 3.5m

Pole Ø: 60mm

Ribs: 8

Code: R40

Size: 4.0m

Pole Ø: 60mm


Ribs: 8

Code: S285

Size: 2.85m

Pole Ø: 60mm

Ribs: 8

Code: S30

Size: 3.0m

Pole Ø: 60mm

Ribs: 8

Code: S35

Size: 3.5m

Pole Ø: 60mm



Code: BA/MSL/RARO/SS, BA/PEN/WLSL/GA-F Weight: 138kg

Underground Mount

Code: BA/MSL/RARO/SS, BA/UNG/ROGA-F Weight: 6 kg

Under Deck Mount

Code: BA/MSL/RARO/SS, BA/PLA/DECSS-FI Weight: 8 kg
Fabric & Colors




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